Toboggan Avenue


Growing Your Own Creative Business: Three Important Lessons




I love using art to connect the things you love and share your style. Tell your story!




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Three lessons I learned in the process of starting and growing a creative business:

Building and growing a business as a creative is both incredibly rewarding… and often challenging. Throughout this process, I learned so much more about myself, developed valuable skills, and picked up several important lessons along the way. Here are three of the most significant takeaways that I’ve gained during my journey as a creative entrepreneur.

Celebrate Process More than Progress.

Celebrate the process as much or more than the progress. In business (especially the early days), it’s easy to focus on progress and on numbers that you may not be able to control. Instead of focusing so much on those external markers, spend more of your energy on improving your processes and finding joy in the journey. Not only will this leave you feeling more fulfilled, but celebrating improvements in the process of your business will bring better results in the long run.

Celebrate Process more than Progress.

Share your story, even if it is a quiet story.

As a creative business owner, it’s important to remember that your story doesn’t have to be revolutionary to be worth sharing. Many of us begin with the belief that a grand, earth-shattering story is required to make an impact. However, this simply isn’t true!  It’s important to remember that every story holds value and significance. Don’t be afraid to share even the quiet moments and details of your creative journey, as these genuine stories often resonate most with your audience. They relate because they’ve been there! Embrace your uniqueness and your experiences and let them help you connect more deeply with your community.

If you are looking for more help connecting your unique art and story with your audience, grab my Brand Story Basics workbook here!

Action creates clarity and removes fear.

Taking action is key to gaining a clear understanding of what works and what doesn’t in business for you. When you put in the time to improve your skills, seek out opportunities to collaborate with others, and stay focused on your goals, you can take steps toward building a successful business that allows you to use your creativity in meaningful ways and create an impact.

“Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.”

— Norman Vincent Peale

Action creates clarity and builds confidence.

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Hi, I'm Jennie

Artist and designer, adventure lover with a side of homebody and flower gardener.

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