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How to Believe in Yourself Again (Artist Edition)




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As artists, we face moments of self-doubt and creative block – maybe more often than we’d like to admit. We question our abilities and the value or purpose of our work. We’re thinkers, so it’s easy to lose confidence and occasionally feel disconnected from our purpose and creativity. However, a few intentional steps can help you take action despite the doubts. Taking action despite your fears is the best way forward, so here are ten strategies to help you regain your confidence and find joy in your creative journey again. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just starting, these tips are to inspire and help you take action to believe in your creative potential again.

Take Small Action

Begin with a small, manageable task to start creating again. These tiny steps can build momentum and confidence – you’re looking for a quick win! Whether it’s doodling for five minutes or arranging your art supplies, small actions help you move forward again, creating a sense of accomplishment and helping you feel ready to tackle bigger projects.

Make a (Small) Promise to Yourself. Follow Through

Commit to a small, achievable promise to yourself, like finishing a quick sketch or sorting one drawer in your desk. Keeping these small promises to yourself builds trust and confidence in your abilities, proving that you can rely on your own commitment and dedication.

Create Art. Keep Creating.

The act of creating, regardless of the outcome, is necessary for the creative. Consistent practice helps improve your skills and keeps the creative ideas flowing. Remember, the journey is as important as the destination, and each piece of art brings you closer to your best work.

Keep a ‘Great Work’ Folder

Collect your favorite pieces, screenshot positive feedback, note any accomplishments, and place them in a special folder. This ‘great work’ folder serves as a visual reminder of your talents and progress, boosting confidence whenever you need it.

Send a Creative Friend an Uplifting Note

Reach out to a fellow artist with a kind word or compliment. Encouraging others can foster a sense of community and remind you of the importance of your friend network. And staying in touch with a friend feels good, doesn’t it?

Go Outside and Practice Taking Notice

Spend time outdoors, in the moment, taking in the details of your surroundings. This practice not only clears your mind but also boosts your observational skills, providing fresh inspiration and grounding you in the present moment.

Sketch an Idea

Take a few moments to jot down a quick sketch of an idea that excites you. This spontaneous act of creativity can spark new projects and remind you of the endless possibilities for your artistic practice. Keep an inspiration box or folder to place these ideas to return to when the time is right to take action.

Take a Nap and Let Your Mind Wander

My favorite creative break! Allow yourself to rest and dream. Napping can refresh your mind and body, often leading to unexpected creative ideas and clarity on a problem as your subconscious processes thoughts and ideas. Naps are when I have the best creative ideas!

Create Something Outside of Your Normal

Try something new! Experiment with a new medium or style. Stepping outside your comfort zone can help you rediscover your purpose and remind you of the joy of discovery in art, helping you break through creative blocks and expand your skills.

Get an Inexpensive Sketchbook and Fill It

Buy a simple sketchbook and dedicate yourself to filling it with anything that comes to mind. This exercise encourages daily practice, experimentation, and the freedom to create without pressure, helping you discover your identity or signature style as an artist. If you need help with a daily sketchbook habit – check out this post!

Believing in yourself as an artist is an ongoing journey, filled with ups and downs. It’s not always easy! By taking small, intentional steps, you can gradually rebuild your confidence and remember your creative purpose. Every artist experiences moments of doubt, but your resilience and dedication will see you through. Keep creating, stay inspired, and follow your unique artistic voice. You’re doing amazing things, and the world is waiting to see your beautiful work.

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Hi, I'm Jennie

Artist and designer, adventure lover with a side of homebody and flower gardener.

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