Toboggan Avenue


Book Recommendations for Artists and Creative Entrepreneurs




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Favorite Reads from this Year:

If you are an artist-entrepreneur, you know that there is a great wealth of knowledge available in books. This year, I’ve invested in reading more marketing and business literature than works of fiction. From creative strategies to informational guides and everything in between, these ten books for creative entrepreneurs offer ideas, insights, and foundational principles for personal growth. Recommended by fellow creative entrepreneur friends, these books can contribute immensely towards either the initial or advanced stage of your career!

Several of these books are a must read – and I read them cover to cover.  Others I read the majority and referenced other chapters and there are a couple on this list that I keep for reference as needed.  I have it loosely divided into categories, although many of them cover a variety of topics and therefore could fit into several. 

Marketing Books for Creative Entrepreneurs

Launch by Jeff Walker 

I took a lot of notes and tagged a lot of pages in this book.  If you are planning to launch anything – a course, a shop, an idea, the launch formula in this book will provide a great outline for you to follow and ideas for content leading up to your launch.   

Launch - Jeff Walker - books for creative entrepreneurs

Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson 

If you are looking to grow your reach, audience, and influence – this book is all about creating connections and traffic (surprise!) before you need those connections in order to launch. 

Traffic Secrets - Brunson - books for creative entrepreneurs

Ask by Ryan Levesque 

How to pay attention to the right information, and ask intentional questions that will help you determine exactly what your ideal customer wants so that you can deliver the solution. 

Ask - Levesque - books for creative entrepreneurs

Story Brand by Donald Miller 

You are likely familiar with Donald Miller and his Story Branding, but in case you aren’t, in this book, he speaks about using story to clarify your message and make it simple, relevant, and repeatable. 

Building a Story Brand - books for creative entrepreneurs

Productivity, Goals and Mindset Books for Creative Entrepreneurs

Atomic Habits by James Clear 

Likely the favorite of all the books I read this year.  If you haven’t read it yet, you should! This is one of the best books for all creative entrepreneurs to read.  All about creating better habits to reach our best goals.  And more.   

Atomic Habits - books for creative entrepreneurs

Mindset by Carol Dweck 

This book helped me understand the differences between having a fixed and a growth mindset – both in myself and in my kids.  Helpful for those who get stuck when faced with a problem. 

Mindset - Carol Dweck - books for creative entrepreneurs

Storytelling Books for Creative Entrepreneurs

Steal like an Artist, Keep Going and all the books by Austin Kleon 

Short, easy, creative reads – all of Austin Kleon’s books are highly recommended for artists, creatives and entrepreneurs.   

Austin Kleon - books for creative entrepreneurs
Austin Kleon - books for creative entrepreneurs

Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins by Annette Simmons 

Another book about story and how to think in story and use different types of core stories to share your message and relate to your audience.  There is also a section about how and when to receive feedback on your story and message in order to make your message stronger and more impactful. 

Whoever Tells the best story wins - books for creative entrepreneurs

My Creative Space by Donald Rattner 

This a fascinating book to read through as you plan your home office or creative workspace.  It includes many ideas to set up your space to inspire your best creative work. 

My Creative Space - books for creative entrepreneurs

Graphic Artists Guild 

This is a great book to have on hand for reference for questions that arise around pricing and contracts and is a necessary book for any creative entrepreneur.  It includes many guidelines and great advice for creative entrepreneurs. 

Pricing Handbook - books for creative entrepreneurs

I plan to keep it up in 2023 – I love learning about marketing and growth!  Next on my list are Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson (I know this is out of order), Hero on a Mission – the newest by Donald Miller and Fear is Not the Boss of You by Jennifer Allwood.   

What other books do you recommend?  Tell me in the comments! 

Also be sure to check out the resources page for more recommendations!

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Artist and designer, adventure lover with a side of homebody and flower gardener.

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